Why, hello, old friend. :)
It's been quite a while, hasn't it? I've been MIA for months now (whoops, my bad), but I'm back! Hopefully, I'll be back for good--or as good as time allows--this time! I have plans set in motion to ensure that, as long as my self-discipline remains intact (which, hopefully, it will be). But before we get into the usual things I post, I thought I'd give you a little update and answer one giant question:
Where have I been?
I've been here, in Lincoln, keeping rather busy for the past few months! After coming home from New York City due to severe injury (if you've read my posts before, you'll know that one) and the unanticipated mental health problems accompanying it, I attended Nebraska Wesleyan for the spring semester, trying to keep my mind as occupied as possible. I won't give you too much on that now, as it's a LOT, and better suited for a full-length post. I'm still trying to decide if I feel comfortable enough to put all of that out on the Internet; for now, you, my friends, will get it in parts. We'll get to that comfort level someday, hopefully soon. :)
After performing in Catherland, I was honored to get an offer from OmniArts Nebraska (a phenomenal organization: Nebraskans, support them, please! They deserve it!) to come play Squeaky Fromme in their production of Assassins back in February/March. It was an incredible experience, working with an amazing artistic team and being able to dig into a meaty, witty, complicated character. She's become one of my favorite roles I've ever played, and I would play her again in a heartbeat: she's so different from anyone else I've portrayed, and her layers were fascinating to sift through. So well-written. Gah. The actor DREAM right there.

The semester (and working retail) kept me busy, too, with tons of literary analysis and papers to write. Some of the books were A+ (I'm looking at you Claudine Married and The Portrait of a Lady) and some were...well...(yeah, sorry, James Joyce). I'll tell ya more about that reading list and their reviews at a later time. :) But, hey, I got my writing spark back, and learned that every dream Shakespearean role of mine is dark as all hell, so that's cool!

Most importantly (and those of you who follow me on the social medias would know this, because he's in maybe too many of my posts ;) ), I am now happily taken. Jay is my best friend, my other half, my brilliant mind to discuss things with, my wacky sense of humor sharer, my wondrous nerd, my heart, and the person who makes me smile every day. Suffice it to say, having him in my life is better than anything my hopeless romantic heart ever dreamed, and I owe him so much. However, I don't plan to talk much about him on here (much like I don't give many specifics about friends and family), as I like to keep my relationships with others private, especially ones that mean so much to me. I willingly put myself out there; they've never agreed to that. Plus, I gotta keep some things to myself, ya know? :)
Other than that, it's basically just been me working through tough mental states in a busy timeframe. I may have a huge announcement coming up for all of you, so stay tuned for that, as I'm quite excited about the prospect! I'll be trying to post once a week, on Fridays, this summer, as time allows (I'm going to make it work, damn it); if I can manage it, some weeks will have two. I'd love to keep a bit more of a record of what I'm doing, as much for myself as for anyone reading this, and of how I'm growing. So, expect more about mental health, books, films, artistic growth, badass women, fun history, and just plain crazy life stuffs. I'll see you soon. I promise. <3
Thanks for reading! I love you all, and have a wonderful day!