Hello, hello, hello, everyone! I hope you are doing well today, whatever time it may be where you are. :) Recently, I sent out a poll to see what you all wanted to read next on the blog when I had time to sit down and write it. This one (unsurprisingly, I might add) won out.
This is something that came to mind about a month ago for me. I was neck-deep in self-care, trying to make myself feel okay with where certain things in my life were, when I ran across some anonymous post on Facebook while mindlessly scrolling one day. It simply said: “Hey, you. I’m proud of you.” It got me thinking. Too many times in life, this sentiment is one that each of us crave, but don’t hear as often as we need/deserve. To know that someone is proud of you, to know that someone acknowledges your brilliance even when you can’t see it yourself, is something that we all want. In some aspect, each of us crave validation. It’s only human; no need to be ashamed of that.
Having someone tell you that your growth is noticeable, or that you are a wonderful person, or that you have done something remarkable, is such a boost to the spirit. It can ground you. It can motivate you. It can propel you forward, or it can let you breathe for once in a millennium. That simple sentence—“I’m proud of you”—can make a world of difference in your day. I relate. I know that. And I am so grateful to anyone who has said that to me: you know who you are, and I adore you. :)
So, for every single one of you out there, here’s what I want to say to you: I am so proud of you. I am so unbelievably proud of how far you’ve come. Of the obstacles you’ve surmounted and your courage in facing down the next one. Of your humanity and your passions and your willingness to get through another day. Of your love for your family, boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancé(e), friends, dogs, cats, parrots. Of your ability to inhale once again.
If you said something stupid at work and were able to move on, I’m proud of you.
If you got an incredible promotion, I’m proud of you.
If you just moved and don’t know where your damn tea kettle is, but are powering through, I’m proud of you.
If you took a chance and told someone how you feel about them, I’m proud of you.
If you’re fighting to find a way to express yourself, but you keep pushing through until you get there, I’m proud of you.
If you sat down to that passion project after years of telling yourself it isn’t worth it, I’m proud of you.
If you made a sacrifice for your children today, I’m proud of you.
If you made a sacrifice for your parents today, I’m proud of you.
If you don’t have a car, and still figured out a way to get to work, I’m proud of you.
If you got through those really long, difficult chapters of a Tolstoy novel, I’m proud of you.
If you finished those finals and are finally home for the holidays, I’m proud of you.
It’s not just that, though. These are huge deals, yes, but pride is not something that is choosy. You see, y’all, I’m proud of each of you for so much more than that.
If you got out of bed for the first time in a week today, I’m proud of you.
If you managed to pull a brush through snarled hair, I’m proud of you. If you pulled out the dry shampoo, I’m proud of you.
If all you did was inhale and exhale after feeling suffocated for too long, I’m proud of you.
If you did something for yourself today, I’m proud of you.
My god, if you were a human today at all, I’m proud of you. That, in itself, can be so difficult. I am so freaking proud of you for getting through another day. For getting stuff done, whether it be self-care (what up, sleeping in, you’re super helpful sometimes), work, passions, or anything in between. For loving someone and something. For existing in this crazy, chaotic universe, where beauty and pride can be found around and within if you look close enough. And even if you can’t see that right now, you will. I promise. I already see it in you.
In short, we all need to hear this, and let me be one of the people to tell you: I’m proud of you. I believe in you, and I have faith in your talents, your flaws, and your amazing soul. I’m on your side, so, hey, at least one person is (although there’s at least 50 million others, I promise). :) You are enough, and you always will be. Keep on going, friend. You’ve got this.
I’m so proud of you.